Saturday, February 23, 2008

Creating an ESB-infrastructure at zero investment

The introduction of an ESB-infrastructure may be a big hurdle with regard to financial investments. Technology evolves rapidly and adoption by system development projects may evolve very slow. You might end in a situation of high costs and no view on any return on investment other then charging the projects excessively which lowers adoption even more.

What you really want when introducing an ESB-infrastructure - from a pragmatic point of view - is scalability on three aspects:


You want a modular ESB-deployment on project or system bases. Based on the context an ESB-component is deployed for that specific situation or project. The context may differ on aspects as:
  • Geography (different locations)
  • Network topology (different network zones)
  • Footprint (data center on one end and devices as PDAs/passing gates/vending machines on the other end)
  • Technology (e.g. Linux versus Windows)
The ESB-product must allow for clicking the separate project based ESB-components together and behave as one - federated - ESB. Functionality and services on one ESB-component may be made available for other components.


You want the ESB to offer just the functionality you need on a project basis. The product must allow for adding functionality at a later time.


You want the ESB-vendor to have you pay a reasonable fee for only the number of connections a project creates to the ESB with an upper limit if you scale above an agreed number of connections. Or you may want an equivalent model based on the number of messages travelling across the ESB.

This allows for having development projects pay their own ESB-deployment from the project budget while growing one homogeneous company wide ESB-infrastructure over time. The federated architecture allows for ultimate performance scalability on the fly as the interacting components may be deployed and redeployed in a distributed way; across multiple locations (data centers), servers and devices, and as fine grained as you prefer maintaining one single control view.

The evolvement of federated infrastructure services - from data centers to agents in devices - is a recognized trend in current evolving complexity to offer agility at a low cost. Examples are federated directory-, identity-, access-, and data management services. Also the flexibility in adding functionality on demand is a recognized trend; more and more even on a pay-as-you-go basis. And the same kind of on demand scalability applies to the licensing structures of modern vendors.

At this moment in time mature ESB-products are offered in the market that support the scalability requirements mentioned above. It is a wise decision to focus on these type of products when introducing an ESB-infrastructure in your organization.

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