Saturday, August 11, 2007

Bringing SOA to Life

I came across this video-presentation on InfoQ. Mikkel Hippe Brun, Chief Consultant at Danish National IT and Telecom Agency, introduces Denmark's national Service Oriented Infrastructure.

The title of this posting is a bit misleading, because it is not really about SOA in the way we currently define SOA (huh...?); it is about web services. But by all means it is a highly interesting use case Mikkel Hippe Brun is talking about. The Danes have built a public web services infrastructure based on replicated UDDI registries. The architecture is founded on standards based:

  • Address Resolution
  • Reliable Messaging
  • Message Level Security
  • Signature
And they also offer a free MessageHandler software toolkit. Users of the infrastructure are both public and private organizations.

The architectural overview is very well described in this document which can be found among some other interesting architecture documents on their web-site.

I highly recommend watching this presentation and reading the architectural description.

Why? Because this innovative use case shows crystal clear the need for web service technologies - in the current spirit of the age - and how these technologies will change the way we do business. It shows how technology pushes business: you won't get any invoice paid by the Danish government, unless delivered electronically. This is mandated by law. I think this is the ultimate way to drive innovation. Thrilling...!

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